Family Literacy & FREE Books
So, what does “Family Literacy” mean? It’s really very simple! It’s about adults (parents, grandparents, guardians), or siblings, etc. in a family reading to each other!
What might Family Literacy look like?
Parents, grandparents, guardians, etc. reading to kids and babies. (Yes! Reading to the littlest ones!) Or to anyone in the family!
Kids reading to adults or other family members.
Brothers or sisters reading to one or more family members.
Taking turns reading – anyone and everyone can be a part of Family Literacy!
Setting specific times aside for regular reading to each other—like before bedtime, during a meal, after a meal, waiting for _________ (like a ride or the school bus), etc. And turning off the TV, phones, and other media during reading times.
Borrowing audio books to listen to from a Library etc. and enjoying a book together at home or in the car. Or listen while doing a project or craft.
There are many good reasons to enjoy Family Literacy together! Here are a few:
Helps us with our imaginations! You know, like “seeing” a picture of what’s happening in your mind...
Can bring you closer together. And can even be a relaxing, cozy time.
Helps build a love and an interest in reading.
You have their attention and they have yours! We sometimes miss out on this in our crazy busy world!
Helps form a habit – a GOOD habit! Reading to your kids, or even to grownups, can turn them into “readers”!
Opens the doorway to Writing! It’s pretty hard to write unless you can read...they go together! Reading improves writing skills and vocabulary!
It’s inexpensive or FREE FUN! Kids like to hear the same stories and poems over and over again! So, whether you have some of your own books, books borrowed from a “Big Library” or one of those Tiny Free Libraries in people’s yards, it's quite the deal!
AND speaking of FREE books, the SCL Learning and Resource Center has a collection of FREE adult and children’s books for you to enjoy! We want to encourage reading and Family Literacy in the community! Contact us if you’d like to choose some to take home!
(We also will have ideas where you can get FREE or very low-cost books, magazines, or other reading material).
*** Our SCL Center is currently open by appointment via the Coordinator, Deb. Contact info below. ***