Become a Tutor/Volunteer
Volunteer Opportunities - LOTS of Options!
Do you have a few hours to give? Here are some ways that you can make a positive difference in a Literacy learner’s life, in your life, and in Sawyer County!
Tutor a learner on a one-to-one basis
Do beginning assessments with new learners
Serve on the Board of Directors
Help organize and maintain SCL’s book collections
Help with needed office tasks
Staff our Learning Center occasionally at LCOOU
Plan and/or help with special Literacy opportunities: booth at local events, workshops, job/education fairs, etc.
Plan and/or assist with fundraising events
Be a translator or interpreter (foreign language like Spanish)
Help promote SCL’s mission and goals in the community — For example, simply talk about us or invite folks to consider being a volunteer!
More information
Want to volunteer or have any questions or ideas? We’d love to hear from you!
Call, email, or use the contact form on this page.