About Sawyer County Literacy
Sawyer County Literacy (SCL) is a small nonprofit (501.c3) Literacy agency that has worked with and tutored adult learners in Sawyer and adjacent counties since 2016, including the County Jail. All our services are free of charge and SCL is totally run by volunteers.
Our major emphasis is to encourage and come alongside learners to help them become more of who they’d like to be or can be — learners with a variety of goals and needs. (For a list of what SCL offers, click “Become A Learner” in the menus above or below to learn more!)
Tutors and learners meet at various public places in the area. SCL also has a Learning and Resource Center which is located at LCO Ojibwe University where we support their GED/HSED program and other LCOOU areas. We also enjoy close collaboration with WI Literacy (our main sponsor), Northwood Technical College, and local agencies and schools to support our learners in the best way possible.
The SCL Learning and Resource Center houses a collection of FREE adult and children’s books to encourage reading in the community. Contact us if you’d like some!
***Our SCL Center is currently open by appointment via the Coordinator, Deb. Contact info below.***